*v.1.3 [2 Sep 2002] 9-8-2002: very simple conversion of example to class form * Rivest/Shamir/Adelman (RSA) compatible functions * to generate keys and encode/decode plaintext messages. * Plaintext must contain only ASCII(32) - ASCII(126) characters. *Send questions and suggestions to Ilya Rudev (Polar Lights Labs) *most part of code ported from different *C++, JS and Flash *RSA examples found in books and in the net :) *supplied with Hacker Hunter authentication system. *http://www.polar-lights.com/hackerhunter/ *It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. *See the GNU General Public License for more details. *With a great thanks to: *Glenn Haecker *Segey Semenov *Suivan */ /* * RSA-Class that generates the keys */ class RSA_CreateKeys { var $primes; // array of prime numbers var $maxprimes; // count of primes in array // Constructor function RSA_CreateKeys($show_debug=0) { /*random generator seed */ mt_srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $this->primes = ""; /* * include Prime numbers table */ require("prime.class.php"); $this->maxprimes = count($this->primes) - 1; if ($show_debug == 1) print "

Primes: " . $this->primes . "
Maxprimes: " . $this->maxprimes . "

"; } /* Function for generating keys. Return array where $array[0] -> modulo N $array[1] -> public key E $array[2] -> private key D Public key pair is N and E Private key pair is N and D */ function generate_keys($show_debug=0){ //class-ify: global $primes, $maxprimes; if ($show_debug) print "

Primes: $this->primes
Maxprimes: $this->maxprimes

"; while (empty($e) || empty($d)) { /* finding 2 small prime numbers $p and $q $p and $q must be different*/ $p = $this->primes[mt_rand(0, $this->maxprimes)]; while (empty($q) || (0 == bccomp($p,$q))) { $q = $this->primes[mt_rand(0, $this->maxprimes)]; } //second part of public and private pairs - N $n = bcmul($p, $q); //$pi (we need it to calculate D and E) $pi = bcmul(bcsub($p, 1) , bcsub($q, 1)); // Public key E $e = $this->tofindE($pi, $p, $q); // Private key D $d = $this->extend($e,$pi); $keys = array ($n, $e, $d); if ($show_debug) { echo "P = $p - prim 1
Q = $q - prim 2
N = $n - modulo
PI = $pi
E = $e - public key
D = $d - private key

"; } } return $keys; } /* * Standard method of calculating D * D = E-1 (mod N) * It's presumed D will be found in less then 16 iterations */ function extend($Ee,$Epi) { $u1 = 1; $u2 = 0; $u3 = $Epi; $v1 = 0; $v2 = 1; $v3 = $Ee; while (0 != bccomp($v3, 0)) { $qq = bcdiv($u3, $v3); $t1 = bcsub($u1, bcmul($qq, $v1)); $t2 = bcsub($u2, bcmul($qq, $v2)); $t3 = bcsub($u3, bcmul($qq, $v3)); $u1 = $v1; $u2 = $v2; $u3 = $v3; $v1 = $t1; $v2 = $t2; $v3 = $t3; $z = 1; } $uu = $u1; $vv = $u2; if (-1 == bccomp($vv, 0)) { $inverse = bcadd($vv, $Epi); } else { $inverse = $vv; } return $inverse; } /* This function return Greatest Common Divisor for $e and $pi numbers */ function GCD($e,$pi) { $y = $e; $x = $pi; while (0 != bccomp($y, 0)) { $w = bcmod($x , $y); $x = $y; $y = $w; } return $x; } /*function for calculating E under conditions: GCD(N,E) = 1 and 1maxprimes); $startcc = $cc; while (-1 != bccomp($cc, 0)) { $se = $this->primes[$cc]; $great = $this->GCD($se,$pi); $cc = bcsub($cc, 1); if (0 == bccomp($great, 1)) break; } if (0 == bccomp($great, 0)) { $cc = bcadd($startcc, 1); while (1 != bccomp($cc, $this->maxprimes)) { $se = $this->primes[$cc]; $great = $this->GCD($se,$pi); $cc = bcadd($cc, 1); if (0 == bccomp($great, 1)) break; } } return $se; } } /* * RSA-class that containes the helper-functions */ class RSA_HelperClass { } /* * This class makes the encryption and decryption */ class RSA_CryptoClass { var $char_per_block; var $blocksize; var $split_char; /* * Konstruktor */ function RSA_CryptoClass() { $this->char_per_block = 5; $this->blocksize = $this->char_per_block * 2; $this->split_char = "A"; } /* * ENCRYPT function returns *, X = M^E (mod N) * Please check http://www.ge.kochi-ct.ac.jp/cgi-bin-takagi/calcmodp * and Flash5 RSA .fla by R.Vijay at * http://www.digitalillusion.co.in/lab/rsaencyp.htm * It is one of the simplest examples for binary RSA calculations * * Each letter in the message is represented as its ASCII code number - 30 * $char_per_block letters in each block. * For example string *, AAA * will become *, 353535 (A = ASCII 65-30 = 35) * block number is smaller then (smallest prime)^2 * This means that *, 1. Modulo N will always be < 19999991 *, 2. Letters > ASCII 128 must not occur in plain text message * * if you change to smaller prime numbers, you have to adjust the $char_per_block */ function rsa_encrypt($m, $e, $n) { $asci = array (); for ($i=0; $ichar_per_block) { $tmpasci=""; for ($h=0; $h<$this->char_per_block; $h++) { if ($i+$h powmod($asci[$k], $e, $n); $coded .= $resultmod.$this->split_char; } return trim($coded); } /* ENCRYPT function returns M = X^D (mod N) */ function rsa_decrypt($c, $d, $n) { //Strip the blank spaces from the ecrypted text and store it in an array $decryptarray = split($this->split_char, $c); for ($u=0; $upowmod($decryptarray[$u], $d, $n); if (strlen($resultmod) == $this->blocksize-1) { $resultmod = "0".$resultmod; } //remove leading and trailing '1' digits // $deencrypt.= substr ($resultmod,1,strlen($resultmod)-2); $deencrypt.= $resultmod; } //Each ASCII code number + 30 in the message is represented as its letter $resultd = ""; for ($u=0; $ugenerate_keys(1); $message=""; for ($i=32;$i<127;$i++) $message.=chr($i); $rsa_c = new RSA_CryptoClass; $encoded = $rsa_c->rsa_encrypt($message, $keys[1], $keys[0]); $decoded = $rsa_c->rsa_decrypt($encoded, $keys[2], $keys[0]); print "

message: $message
encoded: $encoded
decoded: $decoded

"; print "

" . var_dump($keys) . "

"; */ ?>